
Relive the day

17 May 2022 | QEII Centre, London

Opening Plenary

  • Stuart Bonthrone welcomes customers from across the UK to [b]AC22 – GIS Creating a sustainable future[/b] and thanks the entire community for their work during the Covid pandemic and recognises the great work undertaken to tackle climate change.

    Opening Plenary

    Esri UK - Stuart Bonthrone


  • We have reshaped our entire planet for our own needs. So much so that the total mass of the built environment, everything that we have built, now exceeds the mass of all living things on earth. We can no longer afford to ignore the impact of what we build. In this presentation, Mark Enzer shares the vision of how we must keep the built and natural systems working healthily in balance to deliver better outcomes for people and future generations.

    Opening Plenary

    Centre for Digital Built Britain - Mark Enzer, OBE

    Building for a sustainable future

  • With seven of the warmest years on record occurring since 2015, climate change isn’t something that might happen at some point in the future but it’s something that is already happening today and affecting people around the world including in the UK. In this presentation, Professor Jason Lowe explains how everyday actions such as how we heat our homes, what we eat and what car we drive will impact the climate in the future. You can also learn about the newly launched beta version of the climate data portal.

    Opening Plenary

    Met Office - Professor Jason Lowe, OBE

    Using data to address the climate change

  • We at Esri are continuing to build and develop the world’s leading GIS system to enable and support all of the important work that you are doing. In this session, Mark Wells takes us on a journey through all of the ArcGIS 2022 capabilities with demonstrations from Hannah Fieldsend, Abi Bourke and Rob Nichols.[br][br]Hannah introduces ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online, which provides hosted imagery capabilities with visualisation and raster analytics in the cloud. Abi demonstrates the ease at which you can use ArcGIS to connect to a variety of IoT sensors to gain insight and make decisions in real-time. Finally, Rob explains how Esri's Reality Capture capability can be used to create realistic 3D models of the world around us, allowing you to gain deeper insights that will help you make the right decisions.

    Opening Plenary

    Esri UK

    ArcGIS Technology


Technical Showcase

  • ArcGIS has the powerful ability to put interactive maps in front of different audiences, wrapped in a web app that is exactly right for them. Yet, with so many different apps available in the ArcGIS system, how do you know which to use for your next project? In this technical session, Esri UK will help you understand; the benefits of ArcGIS Instant Apps, what ArcGIS Experience Builder offers, how to enhance ArcGIS Dashboards and why you might choose to weave your map into ArcGIS StoryMaps. Join the experts for a tour of the web apps and builders in ArcGIS and gain inspiration for your next project.

    Choosing the right app for your map

    Esri UK - Robin Appleby, Tash Senior, & Ilyes Bougouffa

    How the different app options in ArcGIS provide the right interface for your map and analysis, to share it effectively with your target audience.

  • There is such a rich set of capabilities in ArcGIS Pro that it has something for everyone. Join this session to hear the Esri UK team's pick of the key features. ArcGIS Pro keeps getting better, so this is your chance to catch up with what's new. See how ArcGIS Pro works as the expert app for your Web GIS, whether you are editing, analysing or publishing data. ArcGIS Pro also gives you access to new analysis tools and the integration with Python opens access to capabilities like Machine Learning, all made more accessible with ArcGIS Notebooks.

    Getting the best out of ArcGIS Pro

    Esri UK - David Tong & Phoebe Baxter

    How organisations can make the most of ArcGIS Pro by taking advantage of some of the key capabilities.

  • Taking GIS into the field isn't new, but there are lots of new features in Esri's suite of ArcGIS mobile apps. Using the most suitable app, organisations can empower users and improve the productivity of field-based teams. In this presentation, Esri UK will unpack the different mobile solutions including ArcGIS QuickCapture, ArcGIS Field Maps, ArcGIS Survey123 and Sweet for ArcGIS. Find out what's new in the world of big buttons, smart forms, calculations, location recording and dynamic data rules. This session will help you understand which app will suit your users and the different workflows that require GIS out and about.

    Working efficiently in the field

    Esri UK - Elleni Rogers, Claudia Hodgson, & Richard Junokas

    How to take advantage of the different ArcGIS mobile apps to give users the best tool for taking GIS outside of the office.


Data Visualisation & Mapping

  • Climate change is one of the biggest threats to the 250,000 hectares of land and 500 historic houses in the care of the National Trust. Recognising this, the National Trust is using ArcGIS to visualise climate data and plan action to respond in locations where the threats are greatest. This presentation will explain how the organisation is managing data on a large, enterprise scale and demonstrate approaches taken including carbon accounting, land opportunities modelling and climate hazard mapping. Gain inspiration from how the National Trust is engaging supporters and the public in its work and embedding climate action within its business processes to deliver real world change.

    Protecting the nation's countryside and heritage

    National Trust - Huw Davies & Gareth Davies

    How the National Trust is using ArcGIS to visualise data about climate change and direct urgent action to protect land and properties.

  • Whether you are producing maps for the public, employees, partners or other stakeholders, you will want them to convey information clearly and be easily understood. In this presentation, Esri UK's cartography team will outline a set of simple principles to guide you towards the right cartography for your mapping projects. Join them to see how to put the principles into practice using some of the new mapping options in ArcGIS and learn how to give your maps a strong visual impact. Leave inspired to try the many tools in ArcGIS to make maps that effectively communicate the right message, whatever your target audience.

    Sharing the secrets of impactful mapping

    Esri UK - Sam Bark & Balqis Mazuir

    How to give your maps greater impact, so that they convey the right messages to your audience.

  • For over thirty years, Historic England, its predecessor organisations and other heritage bodies funded by it have been identifying, mapping and recording archaeological sites using aerial photographs and, more recently, airborne laser scanning (lidar) across England. Now, the organisation has used ArcGIS to create an app, called the Aerial Archaeology Mapping Explorer, that provides easy access to mapping and interpretation work carried out by the Aerial Investigation and Mapping Team of Historic England, in one place, to a standardised level, for the first time. Find out more about how Historic England is using ArcGIS to make its fascinating and invaluable resources available to as wide a public as possible.

    Exploring England's archaeology from the air

    Historic England - Simon Crutchley

    How Historic England is making standardised aerial imagery and mapping of England's archaeological sites available to the general public, all in one place, for the first time.

  • The use of drones for capturing aerial imagery is growing rapidly, everywhere from urban development sites to conversation areas. Yet, planning flight paths and processing drone imagery can be time-consuming. Argent uses Esri's SiteScan for ArcGIS solution in its commercial site surveys and inspections, making it much easier for it to plan flights, analyse results and share high-quality 2D and 3D imagery with key stakeholders. In this session, Argent will share its experiences and explain how SiteScan is improving efficiency and productivity. Hear first-hand how the use of advanced location intelligence leads to richer insights, more accurate predictions and better decision-making.

    Elevating drone programmes to new heights

    Argent Related - Lily Wydra

    How Argent is using Esri's SiteScan for ArcGIS solution in commercial drone programmes to improve efficiency and productivity in large-scale construction projects.

  • A key priority for the London Borough of Hillingdon is to reduce flood risks for residents. As part of an innovative new Catchment Plan Project, the borough council is using ArcGIS to better understand the sources of flooding and implement more proactive, long-term flood mitigation measures across the borough. It's ArcGIS StoryMap helps it to share flood risk information with residents and explain why flooding happens in specific locations. Learn how the StoryMap gives residents the insight they need to reduce flood risks for themselves and others, as well as understand the council's decisions about which flood mitigation schemes to prioritise and why.

    Making residents more aware of flood risks

    London Borough of Hillingdon - Louise Morgan & Victoria Boorman

    How the London Borough of Hillingdon is using a StoryMap to improve understanding of flood risks and prioritise flood prevention initiatives that will keep residents safe.

  • Combining interactive maps, contextual information, engaging imagery and video, ArcGIS StoryMaps stories are a popular way for organisations to share complex information and engage with the public, customers and other stakeholders. A recent overhaul of ArcGIS StoryMaps brought the best of the old templates into a unified story building experience and added new features like express maps. Regular updates continue to deliver more authoring tools and greater creative control. Join this session to see some of Esri UK's favourite new story editing features and discover how to showcase linked stories as a collection to make them accessible to more people.

    Building a library of engaging stories

    Esri UK - Gemma Merriman & Sam Bark

    How Esri's ArcGIS StoryMaps app provides ever more creative control to build and showcase a whole library of stories


Analytical Insights

  • When National Highways undertook an innovative study to value its data assets, just as it values its physical assets, it found that its spatial network model was its most valuable dataset with an economic value of £3.2 billion to UK Plc. National Highways will use this presentation to reveal how geospatial data underpins decisions relating to planning, designing, building, operating and maintaining a network of roads that conveys 98% of England's traffic. Learn how National Highways is using ArcGIS to build a spatial foundation across the organisation and support the future development of the digital road.

    Driving the development of the digital road network

    National Highways - Jon Drea

    How National Highways has re-evaluated the worth of its spatial data assets and is using ArcGIS to support the future development of England's road network.

  • Geospatial analysis and mapping projects are often preceded by time-consuming data processing. Yet, organisations can minimise this data wrangling and take the perspiration out of their GIS workflows using the automation tools in ArcGIS. This presentation will provide an explanation of the different automation techniques available. Without a line of code, you can chain ArcGIS Pro geoprocessing tools together with ModelBuilder. Stepping into the power of Python is easier with ArcGIS Notebooks, which also let you take your scripts into the web. Learn about the techniques you need to automate and accelerate your data processing and analysis workflows in ArcGIS.

    Automating data processing and analysis workflows in ArcGIS

    Esri UK - Dominic Stubbins & Arthur Newton

    How to use the automation tools and Python in ArcGIS to optimise the use of your data assets more quickly and easily.

  • As part of the Strategic Transport Projects Review (STPR2) for Scotland, Jacobs has developed a tool to report on the accessibility of public transport and travel times across Scotland. Drawing on numerous calculations and millions of records, the solution presents key performance indicators in a dashboard and web-based mapping app, both developed using ArcGIS. The clear, visual way in which the results are represented on maps will help the Scottish Government to allocate new transport investments. Join this session to learn how ArcGIS can be used to share the results of complex modelling work with non-technical users within public administrations to support decision making.

    Revealing where public investment is most needed

    Jacobs - Jaime Rodriguez Gozalo & Leigh Wilson

    How Jacobs has used ArcGIS to visualise the accessibility and performance of public transport in Scotland and help the Scottish Government understand where to direct its future investments.

  • Everyone needs access to a pharmacy within their local area, where they can get healthcare products, collect prescription medications and seek health advice. The NHS South, Central and West (SCW) Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) has used ArcGIS to create an authoritative dataset of 11,000 pharmacies in England and conduct walking distance analysis to help the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England & Improvement (NHSEI) determine the eligibility status of each pharmacy for government funding via the Pharmacy Access Scheme. Find out how NHS SCW CSU created a robust and defensible process with ArcGIS, which is consistent across the country, enabling accurate, informed and cost-effective decisions to protect public access to community pharmacies.

    Protecting patient access to community pharmacies services

    NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit - Cliff Mwando, Clare Scarborough, & James Simpson

    How NHS South, Central and West has used ArcGIS to help the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England & Improvement make better informed decisions about funding community-based pharmacies throughout England.

  • GIS users already know the insight that a spatial approach brings to understanding our world. If we apply our approach to mapping and analysing real-time data, such as feeds from the Internet-of-Things (IoT), we can gain an even greater insight into changes as they occur and what impacts those events might have. This presentation looks at how ArcGIS Velocity, a new cloud-based solution from Esri, makes this capability easier to access. Find out how to get started with ArcGIS Velocity to process and analyse real-time data. Pairing it with ArcGIS Dashboards makes it possible for more organisations to map the right-now, right away.

    Making sense of our dynamic world

    Esri UK - Robert Akroyd & Haley Clowes

    How to use the cloud-based solution ArcGIS Velocity to analyse real-time data and map what is happening in the world, as it happens.

  • The way we use space has changed significantly over recent years, particularly how we use workplace space in a post-COVID world. Consequently, the way we manage, operate and maintain spaces has changed as well. Tetra Tech will showcase its innovative use of ArcGIS Indoors, demonstrating how the company visualised its office and gained actionable insights using ArcGIS with IoT sensors and indoor positioning systems. Discover how these tools have helped answer questions like: how are our staff and visitors now using the workplace? How can we predict maintenance requests across our offices? And how can we efficiently utilise space for the future?

    Creating smarter buildings for the future

    Tetra Tech - Jeff Van Etten & Roger Macklin

    How Tetra Tech is using ArcGIS Indoors and Internet-of-Things (IoT) sensors to better understand workplace usage and improve the utilisation of space.


Collaborative Working

  • The state of the environment and population health have traditionally been tackled as separate issues - yet the two are closely interlinked. In a partnership comprising nine environmental and community-based organisations, Ribble Rivers Trust is now engaged in a range of sustainable projects in Lancashire that aims to both enhance the region's greenspaces and improve the health and wellbeing of local populations. Find out about the ArcGIS-based decision support tool that was created to identify the specific locations where investment in environmental improvements could also provide the greatest health and wellbeing benefits to those who needed them most.

    Combining health, wellbeing and environmental priorities

    Ribble Rivers Trust - Ellie Brown

    How Ribble Rivers Trust is working with multiple partners in Lancashire to aid nature's recovery, whilst simultaneously connecting people to the outdoors to improve their health and wellbeing.

  • When Storm Arwen swept across the North of England and Scotland in November 2021, millions of trees were damaged. Forest Research reacted quickly, developing an ArcGIS app for foresters, land-owners and land managers to capture data on the ground about the devastation in woodlands and forests. This 'citizen science' app utilised machine learning technology and enabled Forest Research to join forces with peer organisations including the Forestry Commission, Scottish Forestry and the Confederation of Forest Industries to capture and share information at short notice. Learn more about the role played by ArcGIS in this highly effective industry-wide response to a natural disaster.

    Assessing the devastating impact of Storm Arwen

    Forest Research - Tony Farndon

    How Forest Research has engaged foresters and land owners as 'citizen scientists' to identify damage to woodlands and forests.

  • One million spectators are expected to surge into Birmingham this summer, to watch twenty different sports, across thirteen venues, over twelve days, in the 2022 Commonwealth Games. Dozens of organisations are involved in the operational planning for this high-profiled event, and Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) has used ArcGIS Hub to make it easier for them all to share data. This presentation will include a demonstration of the solution, simply called 'The Hub', and an explanation of how it is supporting planning for one of the largest events ever held in the Midlands. Find out about the collaboration challenges TfWM encountered and how they were overcome using ArcGIS.

    Bringing the Commonwealth Games to Birmingham

    Transport for West Midlands - Alec Davison

    How Transport for West Midlands is using ArcGIS Hub to work collaboratively with partners and plan the largest sporting event taking place in the UK in 2022.

  • Successful projects often hinge on how well employees can collaborate, whether they need to work with people from other organisations, engage with the general public or share data with other internal teams. The ArcGIS system supports collaborative working in lots of different ways. This presentation will explain how ArcGIS Hub can bring these other ArcGIS capabilities together to support effective collaboration using a secure, managed model. Join us to find out how to get started with ArcGIS Hub and the different ways it could help your organisation work with different groups, organisations and communities.

    Building collaboration around ArcGIS Hub

    Esri UK - Ethan Hetherington & Alicia Vaz

    How organisations can take advantage of the many features of ArcGIS Hub to improve collaboration with other teams, partners, stakeholders and external groups.

  • In today's digital universe, it can be incredibly challenging to connect and leverage multiple technologies, software and data formats to enable teams to work together efficiently. In this informative session, Arcadis will explain how it has leveraged ArcGIS Hub with a suite of real time apps and dashboards and the integration of GIS and BIM (Building Information Modelling) data to build truly collaborative working environments. Find out how this transformative use of ArcGIS has delivered a 150% improvement in project management efficiencies, improved health and safety, enhanced customer experience and halved design times on a large-scale rail asset management project.

    Keeping projects on track in a digital universe

    Arcadis - Gideon Simons & Becca Seaton

    How Arcadis has embedded ArcGIS at the heart of its business and integrated Rail asset, GIS and BIM data using ArcGIS Hub to create a truly collaborative environment for delivering complex projects on time.

  • ArcGIS provides so many ways to share GIS data and capabilities, but for some users we need to take our world into theirs. Organisations can put interactive maps, mapping services and geospatial analysis capabilities into the hands of new teams using the Microsoft apps, workflows and business processes they are already familiar with. Attend this session to see how ArcGIS tools and capabilities can be accessed directly within Microsoft Office, SharePoint and Power BI. Learn how Power Automate can be used to connect ArcGIS to Microsoft 365 solutions that are an everyday part of your users' working lives.

    Connecting ArcGIS with your wider business

    Esri UK - Molly Fergus & Robin Appleby

    How organisations can make interactive maps and geospatial data accessible to more users by integrating ArcGIS capabilities into familiar Microsoft apps.


Developers' Forum

  • Esri's ArcGIS Platform lets developers access ArcGIS services using their API of choice and opens up more possibilities to create apps and extend ArcGIS products using APIs, SDKs and App Builders. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just curious about what is possible, join us to find out about ArcGIS in an overview of the platform's developer capabilities.

    An Introduction to ArcGIS for developers


    How to get started with ArcGIS Platform and unlock the potential of ArcGIS in your apps.

  • The ArcGIS API for Python is a powerful Python library covering everything from mapping, to spatial analysis, data science and more. The session will explain how developers can use Python and ArcGIS Notebooks to capitalise on pre-trained deep learning models from the ArcGIS Living Atlas. Join this session for inspiration and tips on how to make these models work for you.

    Embracing deep learning with ArcGIS API for Python

    Esri UK

    How to get started with ArcGIS Platform and unlock the potential of ArcGIS in your apps.

  • Esri's ArcGIS Platform offers a range of web APIs including the ArcGIS API for JavaScript which can be used to build compelling web apps with interactive user experiences. In this session, Esri UK will explore the ArcGIS API for JavaScript as well as open source and third party offerings such as Esri Leaflet and Mapbox GL JS. Learn the difference between them, discover their key capabilities and see examples of when developers might use each approach.

    Discovering what's available with ArcGIS Platform and JavaScript

    Esri UK

    How to use ArcGIS Platform to build interactive experiences across different JavaScript libraries.

  • Abstract: ArcGIS Runtime is a powerful, scalable API that makes it easy to build great applications on your chosen device. Join us for this technical session where Esri Inc will present an overview of the Runtime APIs, explain the advantages of using them and demonstrate some of the capabilities available today.

    Getting creative with ArcGIS Runtime SDKs

    Esri UK

    How to get started with the Runtime SDK to build an extensive range of GIS applications for your chosen device.

  • Arcade is a portable and lightweight expression language used across the ArcGIS System from Desktop to Online and with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. Join us to learn the basic syntax of Arcade and discover how to best use it to enhance map visualisations, labelling and pop-ups in a range of apps.

    Introducing the power of Arcade

    Esri UK

    How to get to grips with Arcade and optimise your use of this expression language to improve map visualisations, labelling and pop-ups in your ArcGIS apps.


Closing Plenary

  • Chris Barber thanks all of the customers who entered the 2022 customer success awards, explains each of the shortlisted projects and announces the winner of each category. You can watch a short video of the four winning customer projects – Hinckley Point C, Stantec, Vodafone and Ramblers Scotland. Congratulations to all our shortlisted customers and the winners for their outstanding work.

    Closing Plenary

    Esri UK - Chris Barber

    Customer Success Awards

  • Jemma Wadham, one of the world’s leading experts in the study of glaciers shares her eyewitness account of the mysteries and looming demise of glaciers and what their fate means for our future. In this presentation, Jemma takes us on a journey through time to explain how climate change has pushed glaciers to the brink of an uncertain future and why they are so important to supporting life on Earth.

    Closing Plenary

    Jemma Wadham - Glaciologist

    Ice on the brink (Keynote)

  • Esri continues to make ArcGIS more accessible, easy to use and is continually using your feedback to enrich the ArcGIS system. In this final presentation of the day, Adam Branscomb presents the exciting things coming up in this year's roadmap. Venturing to the future of GIS, Claire Williams and Richard Mumford demonstrate how GIS and the integration of industry systems can help us tackle the challenges of our time.

    Closing Plenary

    Esri UK - Adam Branscomb, Claire Williams, & Richard Mumford

    ArcGIS - Future Roadmap
