ArcGIS Maritime

ArcGIS Maritime

Beyond navigational charts

An extension for ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Enterprise

Nautical charts, boat on the ocean, and maritime worker

ArcGIS Maritime supports a wide variety of IHO S-57 and S-100 product specifications, like ENC, Inland ENC, AML, S-58, S-4, S-63, and DNC, in both desktop and enterprise. Scriptable production tools allow entire workflows to be automated in the desktop. While in the web, electronic charts published as web services support shore-based mission planning, situational awareness, and generation of paper charts as geographic (georeferenced) PDFs directly from the latest Electronic Navigational Chart data.

What can you do with ArcGIS Maritime?

Benefit from a full system

ArcGIS Maritime capabilities benefit a large audience, including hydrographic offices and subcontractors, data scientists, non-traditional chart producers, and port authorities. It also supports offshore energy companies and regulators, maritime defence and national security agencies, and marine spatial data infrastructure (MSDI) initiatives.

Vector chart with data

Automate production

Geoprocessing tools automate the management, creation, and validation of IHO S-57 and IHO S-100 product specifications.

Container ship on ocean

Ensure high quality

Validate IHO S-57 Electronic Navigational Charts using the latest IHO S-58 validation standards.

Vector chart with data

IHO S-57 services

Generate OGC WMS and REST map services directly from the latest electronic charts with the Maritime Chart Service.

Vector chart

Generate information products

Produce vector PDFs for printed paper charts directly from the latest Electronic Navigational Chart data.

Vector chart and two men in white Navy uniform

Empower others with maritime data

Build a Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) with data management and sharing capabilities.


Use simple tools for ingesting IHO S-57 and IHO S-100 electronic chart specifications. Magnify the value of your maritime data with the power of GIS.


Geoprocessing tools automate the production of industry-standard IHO S-57 and IHO S-100 Electronic Navigational Charts.


Publish electronic charts as web services. Combine the latest IHO electronic charts with bathymetric and topographic data to create dynamic PDFs.


Nautical Charts Go Digital with Help from GIS

Hydrographic offices are moving away from traditional paper nautical charts toward updated navigation charts on demand.

Read the article

Make the most of your investment


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ArcGIS Bathymetry

Realise the value of your bathymetric data by adding ArcGIS Bathymetry to your maritime portfolio.

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ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro

Take advantage of data visualisation, advanced analysis, and authoritative data maintenance with ArcGIS Pro, a next generation desktop GIS.

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ArcGIS Enterprise

ArcGIS Enterprise

Power your location intelligence by organising and sharing your work on any device, from anywhere, at any time.

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