Geocoding and Search

Search for addresses and place-names and display them on a map

Searching an address is often the first and most important step in making sense of location information. Geocoding and search helps you convert your addresses and place-names into coordinates and display them on a map.

Search for an address

Search for an address and display it on a map. Search for addresses around the globe and put them on a map with a high level of accuracy.

Laptop showing street map and GPS icon

Places search

Search and display millions of businesses, landmarks, and other points of interest using English or your local language. For example, search for a pharmacy or coffee shop in an area or try looking for the Eiffel Tower by its proper name in French, Tour Eiffel.

Computer monitor with map and specific areas marked in red

Autosuggest addresses

Enhance your solutions with a smart capability that suggests multiple address candidates as you are typing in a location, helping you get the right location quickly. 

Blue street map of Los Angeles with Staples Center marked

Search multiple addresses

Quickly search and display multiple addresses on a map in a single process using batch geocoding.

Computer monitor showing map of United States with red dots

Reverse geocoding

Get textual descriptions such as nearest address, intersection, or place-name for coordinates on a map using reverse geocoding.

Street map with pop-up box showing detailed address information

Benefits of geocoding and search service


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