Data Observatory

Deliver insight for your area with an off-the-shelf managed data website

Managing and keeping a local information website up to date involves a significant amount of time and expertise.  InstantAtlas Data Observatory removes the burden of data management from your analysts and ensures that users across your organisation and in partner organisations can access an up-to-date, single source of the truth.

Efficient information sharing

We deliver a branded, responsive website for your organisation that provides a one-stop source for your users to easily get to the data they need. You can add your own pages and resources to the website using the popular WordPress content management system.

Timely access to authoritative data

If you are in the UK, we can provide a National Data Service containing thousands of open statistical indicators across themes including Population, Economy, Health & Social Care, Housing, Crime & Safety, Deprivation and Environment. We update these as new data are released and provide them for standard administrative areas, as well as local areas defined by you.

Create an accurate picture

The website is populated with a set of pre-built reports or profiles for your area displaying key indicators within the national data service. These reports include text, charts, maps, substitution variables and tables. The reports are designed so they always show the latest data.

Enable evidence-based decision making

We provide Data Explorer and Map Explorer web apps that connect directly to the national data service and allow the website users to browse and download data and create graphics for documents and presentations.

Insights with local geographies and datasets

If you want to display data for local geographies that UK national statistics are not published for, we can add these to the website by aggregating data held in the National Data Service. Furthermore, if you have statistics that are collected locally rather than nationally, we can load these for you on monthly or ad hoc basis to make them part of the website.

Case Study

Suffolk County Council

Read the case study


Using InstantAtlas Products and Stats+ Data for Local Insight Intelligence

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