What is included?
Maps+ includes a range of basemaps and feature services to provide a foundation to your work and allow you to go further with your analysis. Any additional services we add (covered by the PSGA licence) will be available to you at no additional cost.
OS MasterMap® Topography Layer and OS VectorMap® Local
Including the most detailed building and street level datasets for Great Britain – the OS MasterMap® Topography Layer and OS VectorMap® Local combined service provides you with a cartographically styled basemap for use at all scales. Available as a vector cache, you can use one of our styles, or create your own using the Basemap Editor. Also available as a raster cache with our cartographic style.
MasterMap Topography Layer
MasterMap Topography Layer is the most detailed building level dataset available for Great Britain and our service is cartographically styled raster basemap for use at all scales.
VectorMap Local
VectorMap Local provides a highly detailed street level dataset for Great Britain. Not available within the OS APIs – VectorMap Local underpins many of our basemap services, including this raster cache basemap. All our basemaps include open data to provide seamless coverage from national to local levels.
Premium Raster Stack
Our Premium Raster Stack service includes all the OS premium raster products – VectorMap Local Raster, 1:25,000 Scale Colour Raster and 1:50,000 Scale Colour Raster – displayed at the optimum viewing scales. In addition, we have each of the raster products available in individual services.
Pavements Widths
Built in response to social distancing measures – Pavement Widths provides a feature service of all pavements in Great Britain. It can be used for urban and transport planning, as well as identifying where utilities companies can carry out street works without pedestrian disruption.
TitleInfo brings together all available Land Registry title polygons for England and Wales, attributed with UPRN, Title Number, corporate and commercial ownership, tenure, and flood data. Identify land parcels impacted by new developments, government owned land available for redevelopment, or areas at risk of flooding.
MasterMap Buildings
MasterMap Buildings from the Ordnance Survey are the most detailed building dataset available for Great Britain. Esri UK’s MasterMap Buildings feature service allows you to interrogate the data, extract out data in areas of interest and run analysis. Hosted for you, you no longer need to process or maintain an offline dataset on your own infrastructure.
MasterMap Water Network
Ordnance Survey ® MasterMap Water Network layer provides a detailed, heighted water network, showing the flow and precise course of every river, stream, lake and canal in Great Britain. The layer contains network lines (links) and nodes which are attributed to provide a range of information about the section of watercourse that they depict. The data is available for all of Great Britain.