Press Release | 30/07/15
Coffey Northumbrian Ltd selects ArcGIS to improve the efficiency and safety of mobile engineers
The civil engineering and construction organisation Coffey Northumbrian Ltd has announced its decision to deploy geographic information system (GIS) technology within its business for the first time. It has selected solutions from Esri’s ArcGIS platform and will use them to speed up the delivery of projects, as well as improve safety for field-based workers.
Initially, Coffey Northumbrian Ltd will use ArcGIS to help complete the installation of 120,000 water meters in the North East of Ireland, on behalf of Irish Water. Mobile teams will use ArcGIS Online to access detailed, up-to-date maps and plans of jobs, from the field, using their tablet devices. As they will no longer have to rely on printed, paper maps or waste time looking for information, they will be able to work more efficiently and keep this mammoth project on schedule.
In the future, the company plans to employ ArcGIS to make utilities and project information more accessible to teams of engineers working on a wide range of construction and environmental projects throughout Ireland. Its field-based workers will be able access accurate maps of underground electricity cables and other hazards, on demand, which will reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
“We first saw Esri’s ArcGIS at one of our partner organisations, and it was very impressive,” says Peter Brady, a project engineer at Coffey Northumbrian Ltd. “We believe ArcGIS has the potential to add a lot of value for our business. By improving the way that we share information with our mobile crews, it will help us to optimise the cost efficiency of our operations and safeguard our employees.”