Press Release | 29/06/2015
Network Rail and Public Health England Recognised for Special Achievement in GIS
Network Rail and Public Health England have both been honoured by Esri Inc in its annual Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Awards, presented at the Esri User Conference in San Diego, California. The SAG Awards highlight users that have shown vision, leadership, hard work and innovation in their use of Esri’s geographic information system (GIS) technology.
Nominations for the SAG Awards are submitted from thousands of organisations worldwide then personally reviewed and selected by Esri President, Jack Dangermond. Network Rail and Public Health England were the two successful winners from the UK, amongst 187 successful organisations worldwide.
Network Rail has embarked on one of the world’s largest aerial survey and feature extraction projects undertaken by any transport infrastructure organisation. It understands that intelligent use of advanced GIS techniques, applied nationally, will deliver major improvements to safety, network and financial performance.
Public Health England’s mission is to ‘protect and improve the nation’s health and wellbeing and to address inequalities, working with national and local government, the NHS, industry, academia, the public and voluntary and community sector’. GIS systems are of critical importance to the organisation’s functions in health protection and health improvement. The use of GIS across Public Health England includes data capture and management, analysis of spatial impacts as part of modelling, hotspot analysis and dissemination and visualisation of data to internal colleagues, partners, stakeholders and the public.
“The people and organisations honoured demonstrate the true power that geospatial technology holds when put in the hands of innovators like themselves,” said Dangermond. “At Esri, we are humbled and inspired by the passion of our users for applying geography to solve problems and make the world a better place.
The SAG Award recipients represent organisations that span industries including environmental management, education, government, health and human services, natural resources, telecommunications, transportation and utilities, as well as not for profit organisations.
For more information about the 2015 SAG Award winners including full project information and photos, visit