Press Release | 06/05/2016
Esri UK Customer Success Awards Shortlist Announced
The shortlist for Esri UK’s Customer Success Awards has been announced. Demonstrating excellence in GIS and ground-breaking, innovative approaches to spatial analysis, more than 20 customers have been selected across ten categories that all aim to highlight the difference that GIS makes to everyday working practices.
The shortlist is as follows:
Maps, the web, and you
- Wessex Water, GIS Team
- Sovereign Housing, Andrew Bradley
- DIFC, GIS Team
Cartography is for everyone
- Emu Analytics, Jonathan Smith
- Sovereign Housing, Andrew Bradley
Tell your story using a map
- South Ayrshire Council, Stewart McCall
- Royal High School Bath, Amy, Olivia and Kizzie
- University of Exeter, Liam Taylor
Great maps need great data
- XL Catlin, Giacomo Favron
- Environment Agency, Alastair Duncan, Louise Pettit
The importance of where
- Operation Griffin, Adrian Green
- Atmos Consulting, Tom Hartley
- Norfolk County Council, Tony Collins
Managing the third dimension
- Garsdale Design, Elliot Hartley
- Crossrail, Daniel Irwin
The power of apps
- FERA Science, Lee Butler
- Norfolk County Council, Tony Collins
Your GIS is mobile
- FERA Science, Lee Butler
- Ordnance Survey, Clive Boocock
- Mott MacDonald, Jennifer Irons
Real-time dashboards
- Black & Veatch, Paul Hart
- Worcestershire County Council, Mark Smith
GIS is social
- Royal High School Bath, Raphael Heath
- British Cartographic Society, Alice Gadney
The winners will be announced at the UK’s biggest GIS event – Esri UK’s Annual Conference – on Tuesday 17th May and from @esriuk.